miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014


Perspective. Look. Angle. Glasses. Funny how changes in them will affect our perception of something. We can look at the wheel, or at the spokes, even at the spaces between them. And we see something different depending on our focus. We can look at a woman with long blond hair and tight jeans or we can look at her defensive pose, in open contradiction with her fake smile. We can look at a city through the asphalt, the cement, the noise and the filth, or we can see the trees, the plants, the bushes, the colorful flowers bursting through the cracks on cement walls and decrepit narrow hill streets. We can look at the cold outside in the streets, or we can focus on the warmth of our dreams, our books inside. We can dread the grey clouds or we can smile at the blue chunks opening through.

Times are changing here. I will be gone from Manzanita in a couple of days. Sadly so. I love this place. Pete Seeger died yesterday, the great singer-warrior for causes. Thank you Mr. Seeger. I shall overcome too, for this is also my land.

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