viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014


Lately I've been having a lot of time on my I came to thinking: What's up with those peeps that walk into Starbucks or The Coffee Bean and whatever in their pajamas? OK, I suppose valley girls think they look cool, hip and FBook rad. But growing up in the Basque Country of Spain I always assimilated people wearing pajamas and slippers on the street with some degree of personal hygiene challenges. But now I am beginning to understand that may just be an old European misconception. Hollywood being the epitome of fashion – how about them deer skin, half-calf boots and alpaca beanies in June? – I am beginning to internalize the fact that there are some fashionista mores that I fail to grasp. It may also be the age gap: I guess I missed out on the pajamas-are-cool-to-wear-out revolution. But I think I am catching on to the next one: sweat pants rolled up to the knees, combo flip-flops and pillow hair. Add a tobacco-cured grave voice and an important iPhone conversation with your agent/mechanic working on your brand new Mustang that works like a "f.cking trampoline" and you got a winner. I am gonna work on it. I just saw a rummage sale around the corner and they have a full rack of sweat pants. Sweet!

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